تحذير! لا يوجد وسطاء للمنظمة | WARNING! There are no intermediaries for the organization

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تؤكد المنظمه على عدم وجود اي إرتباط بينها، او بين مديرها الاقليمي، و بين هذا المكتب او اي مكتب تجاري اخر. و نظرا لإصرار اصحاب هذا المكتب على نقل صوره مزيفه عن تواصلهم و علاقاتهم بالمنظمه او بمديرها الاقليمي، تم حذف جميع تعليقاتهم و حظرهم من التواصل على هذا الموقع، مع اتخاذ كافه الاجرائات القانونيه اللازمه بحقهم

يرجى من جميع مقدمين الطلبات اتخاذ الحذر من كل من يصف نفسه كوسيط للمنظمه

The organization confirms that there is no connection between it, or its regional manager, and this office or any other commercial office. And due to the insistence of the owners of this office on transmitting a false picture of their communication and relations with the organization or its regional director, all their comments were deleted and they were banned from communicating on this site, with all necessary legal measures taken against them.

All applicants are requested to be careful of anyone who describes himself as an intermediary for the organization